Most parties have a theme and you may not even realize it: birthday party, anniversary, football party, Christmas party. Very often the theme is just implied, based on an event. But how much more fun can you have when you add an actual theme to those parties? Think of the little girl whose birthday suddenly becomes a mermaid party with a mermaid cake, all kinds of party decorations from under the sea, and a game of pin-the-tail on the mermaid! She will be enchanted! The New Year’s Eve party that has a cruise ship theme to help everyone sail into the new year full steam ahead, can use sailor hats, casino games, and fabulous dance music to make the night really special.
For those who want to have a party just to get friends together, a theme brings cohesiveness and purpose to both the planning and event itself. Why not make your next dinner party a murder-mystery dinner? Or use an international holiday as an excuse to have friends over, like El Carnaval del Pais, an Argentinian version of Mardi Gras held two weeks before the start of Lent.
One of our favorite gatherings is our annual harvest celebration in the fall. It’s a great time for our friends and family, and we hold a bonfire with a weenie roast and s’mores and we sing around the campfire. I’m sure you can find your own special theme for your next gathering!